REVIEW — “Swiss Army Man”
Going into “Swiss Army Man” I really had no idea what to expect. All I knew is what I saw in the trailers, and it looked truly bizarre. If it wasn’t coming from A24 studios, my favorite film studio that’s behind “The Witch” and “Green Room,” I probably would have wrote this off as ridiculous nonsense. Thank goodness I didn’t skip it as it was one hell of an experience! Unique, Creative, Ambitious, Hilarious, Well Acted and Expertly Crafted, but still moving with a solid message. “Swiss Army Man” might be the best film of the year!
There was only one or two moments where the pacing slowed down a little bit, but the rest of the movie is so incredible it’s easy to just scratch that off the negatives list. The writing, aside from these few brief moments, was very on-point. It’s easy to see how a script like this would get passed over by the bigger studios, but thank goodness for A24 Studio who seem willing to roll the dice on obscure and unique projects. Through the writing and direction we really get to see a relationship, albeit complicated and sometimes uncomfortable, develop between the two leads. We also get to see one man coming to terms with his reality, his life, and figuring out how to push forward in life. A lot of life lessons rolled into one with this, and it isn’t so ‘on the nose’ either.

Daniel Radcliffe and Paul Dano
You can have a great script, and talented unique directors, but you really need a solid cast to bring a project to life. It’s surprising they got this group together, but I can’t see it having worked with anyone else. Paul Dano CRUSHES as the lead, and expresses just about every emotion possible throughout. Daniel Radcliffe gave an excellent rendition of a dead person slowly coming to life, and learning about love and friendship (it’s a pretty weird movie). Mary Elizabeth Winstead, while having limited screen time, makes an impression as well. Especially since she gets the final line in the flick that really sums up what the audience is thinking, and it’s hilarious!
I almost don’t want to hype the film too hard, as I want everyone to go in with the expectations I had and be surprised, but it really was fantastic. Granted, only a certain kind of people will appreciate this one. Reviews range from it being incredible (like mine) to being dreadful, so it isn’t for everyone. I still think everyone should give “Swiss Army Man” a chance as it’s truly a unique and ambitious project. Hollywood doesn’t make things like this anymore because it isn’t “safe,” but sometimes you have to take a chance on Art. This hilarious, well acted and directed, poignant, moving, exciting, and beautiful experience should be your next trip to the theater! 5/5
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