If you saw a ghost in the mirror, what would you do?
– I would probably risk the 7 years of bad luck and break the mirror, then go to my bed and sleep soundly! If, however, the pieces then started to come back together, I would run out of the house (assuming the ghost doesn’t lock it down), get into my car, and drive far, far away across country!
Hard to say… depends on what the ghost looked like. If it looked evil, I doubt I would talk to it. But if it looked like it was up for conversation, I would totally find out as much info as possible!
Frankly, I’m not sure. I’d be interested in learning more about the ghost, why I’m able to see it, what does it want, etc. However, best believe if I suspect I’m in danger, I’ll be out of there ASAP.
If a saw a ghost I would attempt to make contact to find out if it is friendly or mean. I would want to help the ghost find the peace it is obviously looking for.
Probably pass smooth out because I don’t do well in shock moments. I totally freeze. I would be the one that ya’ll yell at the tv screen, “Run, just don’t stand there”. Yep that is me.
pee on myself and shriek like a little girl!
Turn around and look straight at it! Then…get out of there!
If I saw a ghost in the mirror, I talk to it!
I would get the heck out of there!
Cant wait to check out Oculus.. spent my cash on the Captain this weekend.. maybe next though!
If i saw a ghost I would totally start talking!! no running for me!
Ask him if he wants to see The Avengers and have a movie night with this ghost
I would freak out and get out of that room.
If I saw a ghost in a mirror, I would probably get rid of that mirror.
Double blink and if the ghost was still there say you aren’t really there and leave
Call Ghostbusters
If you saw a ghost in the mirror, what would you do?
– I would probably risk the 7 years of bad luck and break the mirror, then go to my bed and sleep soundly! If, however, the pieces then started to come back together, I would run out of the house (assuming the ghost doesn’t lock it down), get into my car, and drive far, far away across country!
I would scream and run out of their.
pee my pants
be scared, yet maybe try to talk to it
Call Ghostbusters!!!! I have them on speed dial!!!!!
I’ve seen one and I quickly looked behind me. No one there! Freaky!!!
Scream then call Bill Murray!!
Break the mirror, despite the bad luck and run like hell.
This is a MUST SEE movie. Love love a good horror movie!
If I saw a ghost in the mirror I would probably pass out or just stand there in disbelief that would be some scary s…
introduce myself
Probably punch the mirror!
I would blink to make sure I wasn’t seeing a ghost and then run like hell outta there!
Say hi!
I would run!
Smash the mirror!
Stop looking in that mirror
I would scream!
I would ask..Who are you? 😉
Check out their outfit.
Take a picture!
I would be in shock unable to move or scream.
If I saw a ghost in a mirror, I would go all ghostbusters on it and suck it up!
Amy Pond didn’t the Doctor teach you anything. Find out the reason why.
I would probably look around and then back at the mirror lol
have a pacnic attack
Break the mirror.
Take a picture of it.
If I saw a ghost in the mirror I would stop looking in the mirror. Oh and run of course.
I would probably try to start up a conversation with it. Why are you haunting me, who are you, etc..
Run screaming loudly out of my house!
run away & scream
I would probably force it to tell me I’m the fairest of them all.
Scream and run out of the room.
Freak Out then start asking questions…
I would be in shock or frozen in fear if something was looking at me through a mirror
scream and run away
Hard to say… depends on what the ghost looked like. If it looked evil, I doubt I would talk to it. But if it looked like it was up for conversation, I would totally find out as much info as possible!
Say Hello
I’d probably have a mini panic attack, pee myself then say Hi:)
Freak out probably
Say BOO!
Freak out
We go to the movies a lot and the Fandango gift card would be a welcome surprise.
say “Boo!”
I’d scream and run away and get the heck out of there if I saw a ghost in the mirror.
scream and run out the room
Say hello
Oh Abott im a scared
Scrram and run away!
I’d scream and run away as fast as I can!
Freak Out!
Hello me – its been nice talking to you….and smash the mirror
I would do a double take and pass it off as if I just had a hallucination.
great contest…break the mirrors
crap myself
I would freak out and then check again to make sure, by which point it would be gone and I would just think I’m going crazy.
Start talking to it and try to find out what it wants.
I’d $hit my pants. Yep.
scream and run!
Say Hello. Welcome Back !
Probably scream!
Stare at first, maybe blink a few times. I could just be seeing things. Then if it was still there, I’d probably pass out or something
Give it a big ol kiss!!
Look behind me.
Take a selfie
Id scream then look behind me
Take a pic and then run like hell
I would not be able to sleep that night.
Have a priest come and bless the entire house.
Pray to Jesus!
I would freak the frak out! Then I would go back to the mirror to make check my sanity.
Freak out!
Throw the mirror out! lol
I would probably talk to it and ask who it is and what they want and hopefully it would talk back and answer me.
Run like Hell!
I would run!
Run, run, and run
I would be polite and offer to shake hands…
I would probably try to converse with it, I am into all that ghost hunting stuff!
hope to win
I would get the heck out of there!
If I saw a ghost I’d flip the hell out.
I’d totally freak out and run
Scream and run out of the room!
Scream and then run away
Run away
Frankly, I’m not sure. I’d be interested in learning more about the ghost, why I’m able to see it, what does it want, etc. However, best believe if I suspect I’m in danger, I’ll be out of there ASAP.
Selfie and post on facebook to get approval
call ghostbusters
I would love the $25.00 gift card!
I’d say hi and offer him/her a drink!
call ghostbusters
Grab my cellphone and snap a selfie with the ghost!!
I’d follow it! Great prize!1
play rock/paper/scissors
I would attempt to talk to it.
{in the contest I am Margot Core on the Rafflecopter}
Make it tell me I’m the fairest of them all.
Or pass out…
Can’t wait to see the screening Wednesday.
If a saw a ghost I would attempt to make contact to find out if it is friendly or mean. I would want to help the ghost find the peace it is obviously looking for.
I would run away as fast as I could
Try to keep calm
i scream and swear to it and ran the heck out.!
I’d run and get away from it as soon as possible.
I would have a heart attack
I think I would be too scared to move or I would scream and run!
Talk to it or shit myself depends on who the ghost is and what it looks like.
Trip over my feet while trying to run like heck!
Ask the ghost what it wants
give him a kiss
Hit the mirror so the ghost won’t get away.
Try to talk to it to see what it wants
Try to take a pic of it
Greet him or her and ask what it wants!
Scream and run the heck away!
I’d wave and see it waved back.
close my eyes
I would run like hell
I would flip my freakin chicken!
I would scream and run as fast as I can
If i saw a ghost in the mirror i’d probably piss myself and scream. lol
Scream then run..
Just run. O _ O
I would scream!
If I saw a ghost in the mirror, I would scream and run out of the house.
pretend i didn’t see it and walk away.
walk away
run for my life
If you saw a ghost in the mirror, what would you do?
i screem when i see me..
Most people would try to take a pic lol – I would calmly leave
I’m sure I would scream if I saw a ghost in the mirror!
Calmly ask it to get the hell out of my mirror.
I would be freaked out. But I don’t think there are ghosts, but angels and demons.
How you doin’?
Say hello
I’d say hello 🙂
Probably pass smooth out because I don’t do well in shock moments. I totally freeze. I would be the one that ya’ll yell at the tv screen, “Run, just don’t stand there”. Yep that is me.
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Proceed to run.
Probably scream but I would like to think I would ask if it was my grandmother.
Slap it or at least try to
Thanks Refs!
I would scream and run away.
After my heartattack, I would be getting the hell out of here!
Fandago and Oculus!
Leave the room.
I would scream.
Scream, of course!
Ask if the ghost would like to be a part of my selfie photo.
Scream and RUN!!!!
Call Sam and Dean.
say, hey ghost, you’re a ghost, whats that like? say hi to your mother for me
Say hi!
depends on who is the ghost
Ask who it was?
run like forest gump
I think I would turn white, myself and then scream to the top of my lungs!
I would start packing my bags
Great prize pack !!!
Try not to antagonize it. It could be a demon for all I know.
Instinctively punch it 😛
Ask if that’s me.
talk to them
break the mirror
cool contest
Assume I was hallucinating.
Depends on who it was…dead relative I would try to talk to it…anyone else scream and run and get rid of that mirror
move… far, far away…