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Whoa! It’s possible that “John Wick” may be the best American action/revenge flick of the past decade. The premise is old. A hitman gets out of the business, but tragic events drag him back in, and he extracts his vengeance upon all who deserve it.  But while the story may …


Whiplash is a tense and exhilarating film that will have you buzzing long after the credits roll.


With a year full of bad and disappointing films, “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)” is a rare treat.  An unique film packed with incredible performances, it is sure to be an Oscar contender. For the unaware, this is NOT a superhero movie.  “Birdman” is a fictional character played …


Lightly based on a humorous Edgar Allan Poe short story, “Stonehearst Asylum” can’t decide what kind of film it wants to be and ultimately wastes the talents of it’s wonderful cast. Director Brad Anderson, known for the delightfully dreary “The Machinist”, brings together a wonderful cast in this film.  Jim …


Better suited for an afterschool special, “23 Blast” isn’t bad so much as it isn’t very good. Each year we are provided with a number of true sport stories that are meant to lift up and inspire.  The characters always overcome hardships, sometimes race-related, sometimes chronic bad luck. In “23 …