HomeMoviesREVIEW — “The Interview”

REVIEW — “The Interview”

Is “The Interview” an amazing comedy? Of course not.  But that doesn’t mean there aren’t reasons to see it.

Seth Rogen;James Franco

The premise behind “The Interview” may be the best thing about it.  That and the incredible media attention it has garnered firmly securing it as a pop culture fixture.  Due to the recent hack attacks on Sony Pictures, and threats specifically against the release of this film, “The Interview” was dropped from theaters across America.   As with most news reports, the motivations behind dropping the film and other cancellations aren’t entirely clear.  Some point the finger at the Studios, some at the big theater chains, other’s at Sony Picture’s Japanese owners.  Regardless, at the last minute, “The Interview” was released to select art theaters and made available on a few online streaming services.  (Strangely absent is Sony’s own PSN)  But is it even worth seeing now that it is available?


Compared to other Rogen/Franco team-ups, this one is on the lower end of the scale.  Moments of comic brilliance are few and far between, with an excessive amount of non-humorous banter filler.   With such an intriguing premise, it feels rushed, with many missed opportunities.  What does work are a number of fun cameos, even ones that a few seconds long.  Sadly, Dennis Rodman doesn’t make an appearance.  James Franco’s Lord of the Rings obsessed, moronic, talk show host, “Dave Skylark” is also quite funny, when he’s not being annoying.  The film also has a surprisingly diverse soundtrack that is rather enjoyable.

Randall Park

So should you watch this movie?  Should you support the studio that was frightened into canning the release?  Sure, if you want.  There are certainly worse things you can spend $6 on.  You’re sure to laugh a little, but “The Neighbors” or “This is the End” are considerably funnier.  A better reason to watch the film is just for cinematic awareness.  You can be the one telling your grandchildren about the comedy that almost started a war, and about the time terrorists brought American Cinemas to their knees with an anonymous email.

3 out of 5 Stars

You can listen to most of the soundtrack for free on Spotify HERE

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